Yasir Alyasiri's Masmoo | مسموع مع ياسر الياسري

Industry Secrets | خفايا الصناعة

Yasir Alyasiri Season 1 Episode 12

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Episode 12: Industry Secrets - Navigating the Unknown

In this episode of Yasir Alyasiri's (Masmoo) Podcast, Yasir opens up about the uncertainty he faced after completing his previous TV series and his initial hesitation on what direction to take next. As he stepped deeper into the world of drama, he encountered hidden challenges, unexpected complications, and illogical practices that starkly contrasted with his experience in the music industry.

Yasir shares his reflections on a failed attempt to secure a project that could have fulfilled his ambitions and how this setback forced him to reevaluate his next steps. However, balance was restored when he directed two music videos for artists Mansour Zayed and Fayez Al Saeed, helping him regain momentum and confidence.

Join Yasir as he discusses the challenges of transitioning between industries, the highs and lows of navigating unseen obstacles, and how creativity can thrive in even the most unexpected circumstances.

الحلقة 12: خفايا الصناعة - التنقل في المجهول

في هذه الحلقة من بودكاست ياسر الياسري (مسموع)، يشارك ياسر تجربته مع الحيرة التي واجهها بعد انتهائه من تصوير مسلسله السابق وتردده حول الخطوة التالية. عندما قرر التعمق أكثر في عالم الدراما، وجد هذا العالم مليئًا بالتحديات الخفية، والتعقيدات غير المتوقعة، والأمور غير المنطقية التي كانت بعيدة تمامًا عن تجربته في صناعة الموسيقى.

يتحدث ياسر عن محاولته الفاشلة في الحصول على مشروع كان من الممكن أن يحقق طموحاته، وكيف دفعه هذا الفشل إلى إعادة التفكير في خطواته القادمة. ومع ذلك، استعادت الأمور توازنها عندما قام بإخراج فيديو كليبين للفنانين منصور زايد وفايز السعيد، مما ساعده على استعادة الثقة والزخم.

انضموا إلى ياسر وهو يناقش التحديات التي واجهها أثناء انتقاله بين الصناعات، واللحظات الصعبة والمفرحة في التعامل مع العقبات غير المرئية، وكيف يمكن للإبداع أن يزدهر حتى في أكثر الظروف غير المتوقعة.

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For more insights and exclusive content, visit our website at https://masmoo.buzzsprout.com. Join us next time as we continue exploring the fascinating world of filmmaking and storytelling. Until then, keep creating and stay inspired!

Forced change of course is harmful between the corridors and alleys of Istanbul. Mansour

Zayed, a new star, Fayez Al-Saeed, in an orbit sailing alone. All these topics and more. We will

discuss them today in the twelfth episode of the Audible Podcast. With me, Yasser Al-Yasiri, in

the previous episode, it was one of the titles I mentioned, and I discovered it later during the episode.

That I did not go back to it because the episode was really rich with its events and the feelings that

accompanied it and with the things that I learned. I mean, anyone who follows the last episode knows how many

hopes and pains this episode carried, so it was one of the titles of the episode, which

is the title of a journalist who established the world and did not let it sit. I mean, it is true that I am not I only visited him

in the episode, but I spared him the headlines until he had to come back to him in this episode. Since I was filming the series, how

difficult it is to talk. Journalists used to come from time to time, meaning they would give press interviews and so on.

I don’t remember exactly which newspaper, but I remember the journalist was a lady, meaning a woman,

so I had a dialogue. I mean, I said, I mean. In reference to my experience, I feel that

directing the series is easier than the video clip, and I will explain my point of view, and I explained it even

in the dialogue at the time, that in the video clip the director plays many roles, and he does not have to

fill them. I mean, it is necessary for the one who is writing most of the time to be the producer

dealing with me, especially since my situation. I mean, I always want to do

drama with clips, because I deal with non-professional actors. I mean, even the singer is

a singer, not an actor, so I have to get him to the point where he is performing the acting scenes, and most of

the people who appear in video clips other than the male or female singer are models, and their

acting experience is not that experience, so I have to I am making an effort to increase these topics, unlike

the series. In the series, people are already professionals. This thing

is professional. To act in the series, there is a writer who most likely has a hobby. Jobs are originally to be an assistant

to me as a director of the video clip, We Are Reducing. This was my goal in the dialogue that I said, I mean,

but what happened was that the title spread. Everything, and that is to say, without exaggeration, maybe seven or eight years

behind the series. I forget about this title because it

always comes up by Google. Yasser Yasri. The video clip is easier to remove from the series, and it means that there is not a

single person who did not talk about me, and there is not a single person who did not criticize me and tell me, “How do you say that?” I said to him, brother. You

are talking about the title. Read the entire story or read the entire interview

and you will know what I mean. I have been justifying this title for perhaps seven or eight years. I mean, the journalist

has her right. She certainly wants to do something that will be attractive, but I fell for it. I mean, so that I can remember. I mean, even among

my friends and among people of our relatives. They kept saying, "How can you say that?" I mean, the issue is a solution that

has grown beyond the scope it is supposed to have. This is the headline of the newspapers that I spent a

very long time always justifying and telling people what I mean by it.

I mean, of course, in the previous episode, we announced that I had finished filming the series "Masaab Al-Kalam" and had entered

a period of recovery. Because in reality, it was a series that meant something

I needed. I mean, after seeing it, I needed it to be in a period of recovery, so I thought it might be a month longer. I mean, I

just wanted to gather the parts that were distracted and what had been dispersed by this work and the long journey. This is someone who

has a hobby of difficult things, and there are also nice things, but their difficulty was more frankly. With a hobby of

sweet things, I remained like I was doing a restart for myself. The things that I think about, how will

I deal with the future other than this? The series, as

I mentioned before, that it came out in Ramadan, did not come to my mind. I mean, the correct time and timing, not

peak time. A new channel, so my hobbies affected this issue, that is. I'm used to coming, especially the last two

years, to the work that I do. For me, as a director, the work, if it means a video clip, if

it's a series, if it's a movie, and if it's an advertisement, all of them are the same thing for me. It means that,

God willing, the title of "Add Me" won't come out after nine years, I mean. I treat them the same way,

meaning I give them the same amount of attention, the same amount of focus, the same love, the same

meaning, I hope for what the result will be or what it will be like for me. I have become accustomed to the last two years that

the work I did was, thank God, successful. This series, no, it did not work, what

that feed back did to me . What I was seeing, what I was expecting, I seemed to have a bit of a state of depression

. Let me say, some kind of depression. I mean, I was contemplating something else, and something else happened. Then, little by

little, I came. I mean, I came to make references for all these things, for all these situations. What

did I learn? What did I benefit? Certainly, I mean, without a doubt, I benefited. From my dealings with great artists, I learned

from them, I entered the atmosphere, I entered the dramatic arena, I knew the secrets, I knew what I should

do, what I should avoid, and I benefited from the experiences of the dogs who were there with me,

and who, as I explained before, are different from the dogs I deal with, so I mean, I

was a little bit shaded. A little bit, as long as a human being is a fundamental meaning, time can solve everything. I mean,

I learned from behind the series that time means it can solve everything. I mean,

the things that we see today are a problem, and the things that we see that affect us

and annoy him, we leave them to time, because with time, our point of view towards him will change, and this means that I

I can guarantee that with every work that happened to me, during work I have a certain point of view based on

emotion, based on a reaction that changes a little after the work is finished,

a hobby changes after a while, and a hobby changes after a longer period. Always, the change in time reveals

new data to you. Time means... It is sometimes pruned from pride, which means a little bit of arrogance, that what

you have from vanity may be from selfishness, it will make you expose yourself more, and oh time, no, these things

you expect about yourself, so you sometimes find yourself wrong and sometimes you find yourself right. On the contrary, it is not

a condition that time will always tell you that you are wrong, it is possible that time will tell you that you are wrong. Be correct and insist on this position in

the future. The time that has passed is behind me. The most difficult thing to talk about is that it made us discover things that

are true and made me discover other things that are a hobby that are wrong, but I remained in the stage where I am.

Will I continue with serials? Will I continue with clips? Clips until that time were

popular. It is very important and financially beneficial, more than a series in the first place for the director,

I mean especially the director, if he continued in a good stage, I mean, and thank God, I was at that

time, I mean, I had reached a good stage, so financially, its return was good morally. The clip was after it

in in in in in in in, in I mean in its strength, maybe it was placed in in I mean in

2010 There were a lot of music channels, and there was a topic before they started, which is SMS chatting.

They would enter the channel, and it would appear like in the air, in the infographic, that the message would be written. Everyone had

a name button and they would say one thing, and brother, I mean, before

WhatsApp and after that, the BBM BlackBerry was going to come out, so this was it. What was important for

the channels was the financial return that the channel received from the messages. Each message had a

certain cost. Part went to the Etisalat company. Part went to a station. Of course, they needed content and content that

was always dictated by the station so that the messages were operational. This issue had an impact on the video

clip, but it had no significant impact. It was great, and it did not affect the impact that I would later discuss.

Unfortunately, the clip reached the end of the waiting period. I mean,

because he saw the artist, he talked on the screen. I mean, the SMS channels saw the artist. He does not

necessarily make a video clip in order for it to be shown on television, and this, I mean, means the beginning of the disaster

for the world of video clips. I mean, I remember, it started, in 2009 or 2010, attempts by

artists began for him to show his picture before YouTube, before the songs became of any importance on

YouTube. He put out a picture of something, or sometimes he wrote his name, or sometimes they wrote the words of the song.

I mean, it was the beginnings that were the discoveries of this topic, so the artist discovered Instead of paying

an amount for the duet clip, he pays a smaller amount for this thing, and the remaining amount can be paid as support

for the song. It was before some channels took something called support, meaning the singer pays so that his song

appears more, because the need is from the station that is the chat, so the type of content has no longer mattered at all.

The picture no longer has as much importance as it had before. I don’t

want to say, or it means, the first nail that was hammered into the coffin of the video clip, but it is definitely a nail. I mean, it is one of

the nails that were hammered into the coffin of the video clip, which we will come to know later. I remained

during this period that I mean... Continue with the video clip: Should I complete the topic of serials, so I chose

to be honest to complete the topic of serials, especially since the experience that came from it did not reveal

my greatness and did not satisfy my creative state. I mean,

I was not comfortable that what I made came out at least. I mean, I was satisfied that it would produce 60% of

what I had. I don't think I have a problem, but this thing didn't even come up, so it became like a reaction or a challenge,

saying no, I'm going to enter this world and see the experience behind it. It's going to be a better experience than that.

From a data standpoint, from a standpoint, how can I deal with it? What can I do? I mean, I stayed in...

A workshop with my friend, the writer Mohammed Al-Hammadi, who wrote the series “How Hard to Talk”

and who was under the supervision of Widad Al-Kuwari, who had a problem with the series “How Hard

to Talk”. I mean, to this day, the moral right is very important to me, and the moral right is very,

very important, and unfortunately in our field. Sometimes I have a hobby, I mean, I won't call it names, and it may

be a surprise, it may not be a surprise to the listener, but it is a hobby for people who are concerned

, I mean, it's just something, I mean, it's not a director, there's a second person who comes out, but his name is director, and the hobby is

all jobs, I mean, I always care about the owner of the literary right and the owner. The moral right takes it,

a third takes it, and a triangle takes it, as they say, and Muhammad Al-Hammadi was writing the series in front of me, meaning he

was sitting with me and wrote the entire episodes, meaning on my eyes, meaning, so I wrote, I gave the literary right to him,

meaning in Tatar, and I withheld the moral right to Professor Ibdad Al-Kuwari, but it happened, meaning there was a misunderstanding

and non-existence. Reda, in the way in which Muhammad Al-Hammadi wrote, is not from Muhammad himself,

but from other aspects it is understood that he has a bit of a surprise factor. I mean, the two of us came out with a reaction.

I reacted. I want to do something different. I want to correct all the mistakes. I want to unite with myself. He wants to

correct them. They correct the mistakes that were made. It became his and he thought it was his right to be unfair, even though I mean, he was sure, I mean,

I gave her his moral right, and he appeared on television with his moral and moral right, but the words that accompanied

this thing affected him negatively, so we were sitting around wondering what projects I want to do.

The things that can be settled are that at that time in

2010, I had the idea that the dramatic work that would succeed at that time must

be the work that had several times during the series itself, meaning that we would see the generation of the parents, then the generation

of the children, then the generation of the grandchildren, and discuss family issues and the interactions between them.

I mean, like the atmosphere of Lali Al-Helmeya. I mean, I wanted to do something Gulf in this atmosphere, so Muhammad

and I agreed that this is actually the work that we are doing, and we sat down to do Brain Storming, meaning brainstorming.

He says “idea,” I say “such-and-such an idea.” We created a work that serves the basic idea and the purpose

that we wanted, and we called the work Gardens. Al-Sabbar

and our books, from the summary of our books, the first five episodes, I mean, it was written by Muhammad, I mean, and he and I, I mean, based on

the ideas like this, let us do what, I don’t know what, and he wrote it, very nice work, I mean, really, I mean, the goal that

we set at the beginning is that we want to do this work, actually, this goal became and was written, I mean,

I saw it in front of me. So I was tricking, I mean, I like the result, I mean, and we wanted to see

how we would try to do the work. We talked about the actors and I signing up to play roles with

the work. I will not say the names because it means the work did not happen, so I don’t want to say that the actor signed

for this work, but the names are very important and we went. One of the very important producers

in the Gulf at the time, and we sat with him and explained the series and he said, “Okay.” And so what I discovered

is that in the world of drama and in the world of series, it is a difficult, difficult, very, very difficult world. It is different from the top

to the bottom from the world of clips and advertisements. The world of clips and advertisements is clear in its goal.

I mean, the singer’s goal is certain. That he makes a nice clip that he personally promotes so that his star shines. I mean,

the goal is clear. The mediator achieving this goal will also be clear. Of course, you will want

the best thing and the ideal thing until you get what you want in serials and dramas. No,

there are other factors that came into play. I mean, it was strange to me that he No, there are topics, it is Al-Shalalia,

groups. Not all works are settled until they succeed. This means something very strange.

There are works that are settled only until they complete a number, or there are works that are settled only

until they fill a broadcast. And there are works that are settled until they succeed, meaning there are strange things that I discovered in this world,

and for me it was a shock because it I am coming with enthusiasm.

I mean, I have this idea. I want to do it as well as possible so that it comes out as well as possible so that

it succeeds, but no, the circumference, the circumference, the circumference, medical, is not all this is her thinking, and of course, today and this one

is present, I mean, but it was at the time, I mean at the time, it was a shock for me, because Estonia

is inside. In this world, as I entered with sincerity and love for the profession, I found that the field and profession were different from what I

had in mind. I preferred, that is, between give and take, meetings, and a good spirit. The matter took four or five months,

and the producers differed according to the different institutions I went to. Frankly, that does not mean that it did not reach the place,

in a way, that means, my previous frustration increased with a new frustration, I mean, but At this time, I said, I think

in the previous episode or in the episode before it, the topic of the Dubai Film Festival and its importance was

psychological, frankly, as a hobby, meaning the makers of the best in the region,

and the 2010 edition of the festival that I went to was in it, and it means

important things, meaning the most important thing is that it introduced me to my

future wife through it. Of course, this is the most important thing that happened at this festival, but the second important thing is that it is the first

time I go to a festival and I am doing a drama. I mean, I was referring to the director of the series. I didn’t listen to the words. The artists

who were there either worked with me, or I know them. I mean, I disagreed a little psychologically on the subject

. I started discussing and discussing things related to Drama is related to my work, so

I felt this course was different for the two reasons I mentioned. Of course, it means I got to know the first time

I saw Adam there, and it also means attending the festival in

presence in presence, I mean, I have work up my sleeve, I mean, I have work that I made dramatic every time I went with me,

I mean, how many clips, how many Advertisements, and it always means that people in drama or

cinema look down on those who make these things. What is strange is that people in panties

and people in advertisements look down on those who make series. I mean, each one does not like the other.

I mean, everyone feels that the other is belittled for some reason. I mean, his role was very special, and he was the owner

of this session of the festival. A short while ago, the artist

Al-Wasmi retired, and I mentioned his hobby of episodes. I mean, I dealt with the journalist Nasser Al-Jah, who

was the owner of Al-Wasmi’s works, his producer, and his business manager. Al-Wasmi retired at that time for

very personal reasons. I mean, it affected us because he was Al-Wasmi. I mean, he decided to retire at the peak. I mean,

at the peak. Nasser Al-Jahouri and the activity that he has is not one of the personalities who will sit without anything, which means

it mixes with the enthusiasm and activity that he has, so he kept looking for voices, and he and I,

of course, judged his friend that he was from so-and-so, and so on, and one of the voices that appeared at that time was a

very important voice, which is The Emirati artist, Mansour Zayed, had a song that was released, meaning it was a

very successful and important success. It attracted the attention of Nasser and Nasser. Frankly, at the time, it meant that any artist wishes for

sympathy for everyone else, and oh Al-Wasmi, in a very short time, there was a very great success. It was the wish of

every artist, so it became that he It was said that it means Al-Nasser Al-Jahouri is contracting with Mansour

Zayed, and in fact, this contract was concluded during that period. I mean, during that period as well. Of course, I will stop

and then return to the subject of the contract because it always means that there are names such as the artist Walid Al-Shami,

the artist F. Saeed Nasser Al-Jahouri, the artist Fahd Al-Kubaisi. These are the names of his owner, I mean, there are

many names from my work, I mean, always until Their changes are what happened to them in their work,

then it will affect them in one way or another, meaning in the future during that period also the artist,

Face Saeed, told me about them, the face of dawn, and he said to me, “Come, I have a song.” We heard the song, so he was making

a duet song and a singer. He means he lives in the Emirates, but he sings. In the language except English,

and I heard the song, the song is in English and Arabic. The song is called Invisible, so

I told him, and I liked the frankness of it all, and he said to me, I want to film it, and I want not to be stingy with this song,

which means we will express the song in the best way, and for me, it was a new experience that I am making

a song for the first time, which means approximately 50 to 60% of the song. Then in the English language, and we know

the effects of foreign songs and English songs on Ali on the world and the scene of

video clips in the Arab world, so it was very important for me to do this work and it was very important

for me that I do the work as well as it can be, and to be honest as usual, the artist

Fais Al-Saeed is not stingy on He started working and provided him with all the conditions,

and we sat down to work. I mean, I wanted to do the work. I mean, the video mimics the world.

Foreign clips, but within an Arabic scope. Mix means the two characters, who is the artist, Weiss Saeed

, and the artist asked. Each one has a story, each one has events that intersect, but the goal and meaning are the same.

I mean, our fascination with the clip was We filmed it for approximately three days in Dubai. We also filmed it in the cinema,

and with this clip, it became a situation. Outside of photography, photography became a hobby.

Whenever I see the clip, I always remember that we had the filming on the yacht and we were filming in

Ras Al Khaimah. I always have a problem with seasickness.

I mean, I take a pill so that I don't get dizzy on the ship, so I get sick and I'm taking a bath, and I forgot to take the pill, so

every time the scenes come up, I remember the dizziness I have and the exhaustion of my breath, and how do I

have to finish filming, and how do I have to work hard in all its details, and how do I have to concentrate, and at the same

time, this is my feeling, and it's become my hobby. Unfortunately,

it means that I am human, so I get sick from time to time, with our exposure between the outdoors

and the indoors, cold and hot, day and night. The weather changes definitely mean that we are exposed to the disease in a large way

. I mean, here are the clips that I got sick with, and I was filming with them,

and I am sick, so to this day I can see. In the clips, I remember my feeling that it was very difficult, because it means that

you work while you are sick, because it means that the director’s job depends only on him preparing everything and so on, but

especially with video clips, it depends on the energy that you give to the artist so that the shot comes out

nice or the corset comes out nice, because as I said before we I mean, the artist is not an actor, so he does not have

the professionalism of acting in order to give you the scenes in the best possible way, and even sometimes, I mean, there are even artists

who cooperate with the camera at all. I mean, in general, the positive energy,

this stimulation, and this enthusiasm always come from the director. The director must be at his best, so imagine

that he is the director’s patient. This thing has to be done, so the feeling is very difficult, and this clip

is also the clip of Invisible by the artist, Weiss Saeed. He asked what time it is in the world. Maybe rain will

never happen in Dubai, and we were forced to change the whole schedule and film in the rain, but it is one of the works that I love,

and I mean, I recommend that it dry properly. The age of the clip is above the screen. 15 years now, but at that time, I mean, thank

God, it was a very important form of success, so we return to

the topic of Al-Nasser Al-Jahouri and the other party, or the agreement that changed it, and Mansour Zayed was

its owner during the festival days, and I used to mean that almost between day and day at the festival, I would finish, go

and meet for coffee, and Nasser and I would sit together. Al-Jahouri, the artist Mansour Zayed, the journalist Murad Al-Natsheh,

and the director Bassam Al-Turk. I mean, we have a group, almost, if it is not every day that we sit down from day to day. During these

sessions, Ali Nasser George told me that he is going to do something, and this and the song was composed by the artist

Walid Al-Shami, and the leader heard me the song titled “Khalouni,” so I liked the whole song and told him. Okay,

I told him, let's film it, and I mean, I had an experience before

, Nasser Al-Jahouri, in the clip "Omar Is Not Suitable", and I explained it in one of the episodes, and, oh, Al-Wasmi,

the one who arranged the filming, which is only the brake light, so I relied on the light that is available,

there is no equipment, there is no such and such, so I told him I want to do the same idea, but this time. We take him to the market to settle

in another country, and he encourages the topic because it is a

different topic. I told him that I want to try an experiment that there is a new camera called Alexa coming

to the market, and I want to try it. I mean, I downloaded the response, so I took a picture with it, but not all. I liked the response

. I mean, it was Alexa. I mean, it started to download. I see that they released a digital

cinema camera, and I originally saw this camera as an exhibition that would make money, meaning equipment and things, all

the technology, I mean, its name is Capsat in Dubai. I was happy for the place that was LPR, meaning those who had

a film, and the camera was there. He kept explaining to me that this camera filmed, meaning up to 800.

I lost the ISO, and they had footage that they were filmed, I mean, in candle light. I explained

in previous episodes, How is Barry London in the movie? Stan Kubrick, how does he adjust the lens so that he can film without

strong lighting? I mean, they went back to these episodes, explaining what the difference is between filming, that is,

with light, and filming with natural light, so I thought that I wanted to. I mean, I'm trying the camera, and it's trying on me.

I mean, it's a new place. This time we took pictures in Dubai. This time, we don't go travelling. Maybe

a few months before that, I mean, I was traveling, and my friend, Tim, and my lover, Omar Al Ali. Of course, Omar Al Ali is

a true friend and brother. I mean, we've been friends since the year 2005, and to this day, I mean. I mean, he is a close friend

, I mean, I can't say more than this, other than that he means a brother

that my mother did not actually give birth to. I mean, we were traveling, me, Omar Al-Ali, and my other friend with whom I had a friendship who

worked as the production manager, Omar Al-Bayati. We were going to Turkey, and I mean, I forget. I mean, since I was

going. Before Turkey, I know more than they do. I am the one who led them to travel, and I like to

walk. I don’t like to take a taxi or such, especially if the country means its atmosphere is conducive to

walking. So, I became a hobby. I like to walk, so during the trip we discovered all the hobby places that I had not seen in the first place.

Before Turkey, I would not go. For her and nothing, but that it was a walk and a metro, we got off, which means

we had no goal. We got out in the morning and took the metro wherever he wanted us. We stopped. We walked right and left. I mean,

we discovered things. It was a whole trip and it was revealed in places. I mean, it's a hobby for people to go to Turkey as a tourist

and they don't even know about it. I mean, the surprise is that then the dog left me. We chose to go and film

in Turkey and we traveled. I remember the last day of the festival, me and the production managers, Omar Al-Bayati, and he was the assistant

director of Muhammad Al-Aqlan. We got a direct message from the last day of the festival, meaning our clothes, and I

was in the car. We took a taxi. We went to Abu Dhabi. We traveled to Asp Paul. We went to prepare for the song “Khalouni.” I am with this

clip. The photography plan was based on The places that I want to see are based on the trip

I traveled before, and oh, my two lives, Omar Al-Ali and Omar Al-Bayati, and I was with you, an Estonian who bought

a Canon Mark 2 camera, so I was a photographer of these things, so I knew where the places were that I wanted to go

, so I remember, I mean, I said to them, “I’m taking pictures in this place, in this place.” Even the Turks themselves are

places, I mean. They didn't know it. They said, "Where are the places?" I mean, it was very surprising to me

that it was the Turks. I knew the places better than they did. I mean, I told them, I mean, I was

walking, looking, and searching all the corridors. I mean, I discovered these places, so he identified the places, and almost

90% of these places we actually filmed in them, and this clip. I love him very much

because he photographed him. I mean, you had in mind a trip, not a trip. I mean, we were walking and filming, and he sat down to have lunch,

and then we would continue filming, and then I used this work for more than one work. Then, in the coming episodes,

I will talk about more than one work. It almost happened, I mean, I photographed him in the same style, so I was very enjoying

his work. It was fun. We were a group of the artist Mansour

Zayed, the journalist Nasser Al-Jahouri, myself, Omar Al-Bayati, and Muhammad Al-Ajyan. We were a group

going, I mean, we were going to forget to film, and since everyone was in Canada, they used a new camera, so I mean,

even I and the director of photography, Yakex Al Farul, may God have mercy on him. We were discovering things about it, so we were going to film like

this. No, let us use this lens. Let us see if we leave it there what will come out. If we fix this

two things, what will happen? And at that time, for the first time we know a function called DIT, which has become

a function, meaning it is approved and important. He is the person who transfers materials from the camera to

the hard disk before it originally came. This job is available in. I mean, there were some new things

and we filmed the clip, and actually on the last day, I mean, just as we traveled to the festival, we went to Istanbul. We

finished the clip. The last location we filmed in was at the airport and we traveled to Dubai from the same airport. I mean, the clip

was very strange, and we returned. It was supposed to be released on New Year’s Eve, and we returned three years ago. A few days after New

Year's, we went back to editing. We went back to work, trying to get it on time once a year,

and we actually finished. And I remember when I came back, most of the directors of photography told me. I mean, they told me, 'Hey, we heard

that you were filmed with Alexa. What was the experience? Tell me,' it means Alexa was something new, of course. Now,

I mean listeners from the field. They know the Alexa camera from

my point of view and the various versions that came out later, but I want to talk about that time.

I mean, all the people, I mean, we were accustomed to shooting with the R-Flex

and 16mm and 35mm cinema cameras, but the Digital Sino was the first, I mean, the first camera they used to see,

so... I remember at the time that what was new was that it was nothing before. This

means that it was considered all new, which was that there were two types of images that you gave and other things, but

there was something called “Late” which is or the look-up table which is the type of color or or the processor that

you adjust to the image, so it is Imagine something called Log C, which is the basic one, or you want to see

the flux, or imagine something we have a second format that we call REC or RIC 7 or 9 709, which is a little bit

colored flux. This folds the image, meaning without any processing, as it has all

the shadows open, I mean, with it. All brightness is as it is, meaning it was not treated with anything, so the image was

strange to us, so until I remember who I am, Umm Al-Kontar, our producer, and we concluded, we said that it is not.

We are going to color it, as long as the picture that comes out of it is new to us. I mean, I remember.

I mean, we caught simple things. The blacksmith turned it off, but maybe a little bit is not the case, because we liked that it

means how the picture has elements that we are not accustomed to seeing. I mean, with digital

cinema cameras, especially the red one, for example, which was on. The clip was released and was a success, and so far it is one of

the songs that I love most, and one of the songs that today comes with comments and comments

, and people always link it to a specific time, meaning a specific time. It has always become a kind of

nostalgia for people. The work, meaning its simplicity and pleasure in photography, reached the people

and paved an important path to the stardom of Mansour Zayed. Next, in this episode, I wanted to shed light on these two

jobs, and on the attempt to enter the world of drama and the story that accompanied it,

and in the next episode, there will be a job that I mean, I was hoping for from the first day I left Iraq. I was hoping for

this job to be done and it would come to me at this exact time, which is

between a year ago. 2010 and 211, God willing, in the next episode, I will talk

about it in detail. Those who slept as usual, I don’t think today was a little short, there was no sleep, but if you sleep,

they will come back from the same place. Thank you for carrying me. Goodbye.

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